Final Trailer for Super Ubie Land

I am in the final stretch of the game! I still have some all nighters to pull but it feels great to have made it this far. I estimate that I have about two weeks of work left on the game before I can declare it finished and ready for extreme testing. Here is the final trailer for Super Ubie Land:


I have put a lot into this project and I really hope I can get support and I especially hope that you guys enjoy it.

I will post the first set of videos of me playing around with the idea of a game inspired from Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong Country. This is where I was at with the game 1 year ago. Just a character and a concept for a fun platformer:


The video above showed my very first attempt at making something move in Construct 2 (an HTML5 game engine). You can see there a huge differences in the graphics quality. This was also a time where I was teaching myself how to transition my art style from comic books and concept art to full on game sprites. It was definitely a learning experience and something that I am still trying to master.

And here is the very first trailer I made after a few months of development. I was eager to post any progress that I had made on the game.


Well, I need to get back to work. Still a lot of things I need to take care of. I hope you guys are eager to play the final product. Thanks for the support!


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